lunedì 22 agosto 2016

JUMANJI: il nuovo film sarà un sequel.

Dwayne Johnson , tramite l 'immagine che vi postiamo qui sotto, mette le cose in chiaro: il nuovo film di Jumanji che arriverà nelle sale Americane il 28 Luglio 2017, non sarà un remake o un reboot del film che conosciamo tutti ma sarà un vero e proprio sequel ambientato 20 anni dopo gli eventi del primo “Jumanji”.
Dwayne Johnson dichiara:

“ Come produttore di questo film e come fan dell’originale, avete la mia parola che onoreremo la leggenda di Alan Parrish e introdurremo alla nuova generazione il folle e divertente universo di Jumanji che molti di noi hanno amato crescendo.
Il nostro regista Jake Kasdan e il produttore Matt Tolmach sono concentrati e pronti a partire. Non hanno idea di cos’abbiano combinato quando hanno assunto me, Kevin Hart e Jack Black ovvero “La Tripletta Folle” come protagonisti del film. Le riprese inizieranno tra quattro settimane.”

Non ci resta che avere pazienza e aspettare nuove informazioni!
Ecco il post del profilo Instagram di Dwayne Johnson: 

Yo.. Lots of positive 👍🏾 chatter now on something I should've clarified months ago when we announced we were making JUMANJI. This new movie will NOT be a remake or reboot of the original. It will be a CONTINUATION of the awesome JUMANJI adventure 20 years later. As a producer on this movie and someone who loves the original, you have my word we'll honor the legend of "Alan Parrish" and properly introduce a whole new generation to the fun and crazy JUMANJI universe that so many of us loved and grew up on. Our director Jake Kasdan and lead producer Matt Tohlmach are focused and ready go. They also have no f*cking idea what they've gotten themselves into by hiring Me, Kevin Hart and Jack Black aka "The Cray Cray Triplets" as the stars of this movie.😂💀 Shooting begins in 4 weeks. And on a personal note, it's such a cool thing for me to bring the production of this movie to Hawaii. The positive ripple effect it has on local businesses and families in terms of creating jobs and additional income makes me very happy. I grew up on the island thru hard times and good times, so it means a lot to this local boy. Hell, I used to steal a Snickers candy bar every day from 7-11 when I walked to the gym as my pre workout meal when I was 14yrs cause I was too broke to buy one. When I return to Hawaii, I will go back to that 7-11 (on Kapiolani Blvd) and finally buy that Snickers bar after all these years. Then I'll proceed to my psychiatric therapy session cause clearly I'm still messed up over that broke time in my life. #JUMANJI #HAWAII #SonyPictures #SnickersForTheWholeCrew
Una foto pubblicata da therock (@therock) in data:


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